
Plex Audio Out of Sync on LG TV: How to Fix it

Just like any other media streaming platform, Plex also suffers from occasional bugs and issues that hinder its viewers’ experience.

So, if you are experiencing an out-of-sync audio track using Plex service on your LG TV, there are several solutions you can try to fix this issue and get back to enjoying your media.

One possible fix is to pause or skip forward in your video to see if that helps sync up the audio.

Another solution is to verify the integrity of the media file. Additionally, you can adjust the audio and video settings on your LG TV to match the screen and sound. 

In this guide, I will go through all the possible causes and solutions to help you fix the issue.

Common Causes for Plex Audio Out of Sync

Plex Audio Out of Sync on LG TV: How to Fix it

If you’re experiencing audio out of sync issues with Plex on your LG TV, there could be a few reasons.

Here are some of the most common causes:

Network Connectivity Issues

One of the most leading causes of audio out of sync issues with Plex is network connectivity problems.

If your network connection is slow or unstable, it can cause audio and video to become out of sync.

This can be an issue if you’re streaming content from a remote server.

Incompatible Audio Formats

Another common cause of audio out of sync issues with Plex is incompatible audio formats.

If the audio format of your media file is not supported by your LG TV or the Plex app, it can cause audio and video to become out of sync.

This can be particularly problematic if you’re using an older LG TV or an outdated version of the Plex app.

Hardware Limitations

Finally, hardware limitations can also cause audio out of sync issues with Plex.

If your LG TV or the device running the Plex app doesn’t have enough processing power or memory, it can make audio and video become out of sync.

This can be especially problematic if you’re trying to stream high-quality content or multiple streams at once.

How to Fix Plex Audio Out of Sync on LG TV

In this section, we will discuss some of the most effective ways to fix Plex audio out of sync on LG TV.

Adjusting Plex Server Settings

One of the first things you can do is adjust the settings on your Plex server.

You can try changing the transcoding settings to see if that helps. You can also try reducing the quality of the video to see if that helps with the audio sync issue.

Updating LG TV Firmware

Another solution is to update the firmware on your LG TV. Sometimes, outdated firmware can cause audio sync issues.

To update your LG TV firmware, go to the settings menu and look for the option to update the firmware.

Make sure to follow the instructions carefully.

Checking Network Strength

Plex Audio Out of Sync on LG TV: How to Fix it

Poor network strength can also cause audio out of sync issues on Plex.

Make sure that your LG TV is connected to a strong and stable network.

You can also try resetting your router or modem to see if that helps.

By trying these solutions, you should be able to fix Plex audio out of sync on LG TV.

If the issue persists, you may want to contact Plex support or seek assistance from a professional.

Alternative Solutions for Plex Audio Sync Issues

Plex Audio Out of Sync on LG TV: How to Fix it

If you’re experiencing audio sync issues with Plex on your LG TV, there are a few alternative solutions you can try to resolve the problem.

Using External Audio Systems

One solution is to use an external audio system, such as a soundbar or home theater system, to bypass the TV’s built-in speakers.

This can help to eliminate any potential issues with the TV’s audio processing and synchronization.

To set up an external audio system with Plex, simply connect the audio system to your TV using an HDMI or optical cable.

Then configure your TV’s audio settings to output sound through the external system.

Switching to Wired Connection

Another potential solution is to switch to a wired internet connection instead of using Wi-Fi.

This can help to eliminate any potential issues with network latency or interference that may be causing audio sync issues.

To switch to a wired connection, simply connect your TV to your router using an Ethernet cable.

You may also need to adjust your network settings in the TV’s settings menu to ensure that the wired connection is being used instead of Wi-Fi.

By trying these alternative solutions, you may be able to resolve any audio sync issues you’re experiencing with Plex on your LG TV.

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